by | Jan 29, 2024 | Barry's Bytes
In this day and age of instant gratification, constant information flow, and the general speed of doing things, people constantly need to be kept entertained and constantly need to be “seen to be doing something.” If you look at the first graph below you will see the...
by | Oct 12, 2020 | Barry's Bytes
In general, questions from clients follow very specific themes. These themes are usually fuelled by friends and family discussing the latest investment fad (Bitcoin has been strangely quiet recently) or the latest bug bear from media, who are trying to sell web...
by | Feb 12, 2020 | Barry's Bytes
2020 has started with a BANG, the market is nervous, investors are nervous but strangely, there are a few less people wanting to invest everything in cash. All of this nervous tension is not new, I want you to think back to January 2019. In January 2019 we had just...
by | Mar 15, 2019 | Barry's Bytes
With the recent amendments to the normal tax exemption relating to South Africans working outside the country as provided for in s 10(1)(o)(ii) which comes into effect from 1 March 2020, financial advisers have been inundated with clients and others wanting to...
by | Feb 8, 2019 | Barry's Bytes
On a recent trip to Zululand, I found this interesting flyer on my car. “What does the good Doctor have to do with finance?” I hear you ask. Well, a few natural herbs can help you attract customers, win the lotto and even pass exams! Now I can hear a few people...
by | Jun 26, 2018 | Barry's Bytes
In this day and age of instant gratification, constant information flow, and the general speed of doing things, people constantly need to be kept entertained and constantly need to be “seen to be doing something.” If you look at the first graph below you will see the...