by | Jun 27, 2023 | Business Advisory, General, Market Overview
The recent spate of interest rate hikes has got many property owners worried about whether they can continue to pay their bonds and even whether their property, as an investment, is the right place to have their money. Those who became property owners recently, in...
by | Jun 27, 2023 | Business Advisory, General, Market Overview
Pretty much everybody who’s in business has somewhere down the line conducted a SWOT analysis on that business, or probably has at least heard of it. For the uninitiated, as one authority puts it, ‘’The understanding of your position and planning for the future are...
by | Jul 3, 2020 | Market Overview
We still have a long way to go in the fight against the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic. As we well know however, economically speaking at least, we can’t simply lie down indefinitely succumbing to its steely grip. Let’s rather, particularly as we celebrate Nelson Mandela’s...
by | Jul 3, 2020 | Market Overview
Some might say the COVID-19 pandemic would have put something of a damper on one of South Africa’s greatest celebrations – the Birthday of the late President Nelson Mandela. If anything however, the way we have, as a nation, resolutely and bravely tackled the pandemic...
by | Jun 19, 2020 | Market Overview
Inflation is best understood in terms of its effect –i.e. a sustained rise in consumer prices or the decreasing purchasing power of our money. A moderate level of inflation is considered positive –what we don’t want is hyperinflation nor do we necessarily want large...
by | Jun 3, 2020 | Market Overview
The disastrous impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has no doubt heralded an unprecedented panic amongst the public, businesses, and of course government Ministers and employees at the forefront of the battle. It has brought out the best and the worst in people and...